
The virtual should not exempt us from staying real, and to try to get closer to this state, we must be able to put our ego aside. However, it is particularly difficult for an artist to do this... This ego sometimes allows us to surpass ourselves on an ad hoc basis, but in the long term often condemns us to an illusion of well being, even if we turn into a copy of ourselves.

What is it to be true in an era where everything is virtual or even "false"? Guy Debord spoke of the entertainment society, where spectators are in a movie theater wearing 3D glasses in front of a big cinema screen. Has life become a film in which we play our own role? Has reality gone beyond fiction? Wouldn't the copy be more original than the real one?

The artist introduces a new technique in his work, that of the anaglyph*, in order to question this border between the real and the virtual - untie the true from the false - but also the ego, his self-esteem, in front of others. The artist also introduces in his work, through this discourse on ego, the notion of otherness.

*Anaglyph 3D is the stereoscopic 3D effect achieved by means of encoding each eye's image using filters of different (usually chromatically opposite) colors, typically red and cyan. Anaglyph 3D images contain two differently filtered colored images, one for each eye.

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1400 Hi Line Dr. #122
Dallas, TX 75207

Open from

(10am-11am by appointment only): 11am – 7pm

Closed Sunday–Monday

We are also available for private showings.



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Dallas, TX 75207
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